Performance Management Program

Conducting annual performance reviews is a key component of fulfilling management responsibility and supporting employee development, as described in Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) 23. In the fall of 2005 the Executive Management Group (EMG) formed the first Performance Management Program (PMP) Task Force. They designed an employee evaluation system for student affairs to: facilitate communication between employees and supervisors; encourage staff development; create an evaluation form that could be used throughout the organization; and develop an approach to recognize merit consistent with the employee’s performance evaluation.

Performance Management is a process of ongoing performance assessment between a supervisor and their staff. It provides an opportunity for a supervisor to develop and maintain a dialogue about successful performance, as well as areas of improvement. The annual performance evaluation serves as the culminating step of the performance management process. Ultimately, the evaluation determines an employee’s eligibility for a merit increase; however, it is the common work done throughout the year that leads to a fair and consistent evaluation. Specifically, the goals of the program are to promote employee engagement and skill development and to provide a structure for regular and ongoing performance feedback.

The Performance Management Program intends to:

  • Foster a culture of high achievement
  • Reward and recognize excellence
  • Retain and recruit the best and the brightest

Cycle of Feedback:

  • outline the plan for the first year with new employee
  • check in on progress and provide verbal feedback
  • check in on progress and provide verbal feedback (written feedback for new hire)
  • check in on progress, provide verbal feedback and request employee self-assessment
  • review progress towards prior year’s PMP goals and objectives; provide written performance review inclusive of prior year’s accomplishments, goals and objectives for coming year, and individual development plan; discuss with employee

The following types of employees must receive a performance review 3 months after their start date in the position:

  • All new (non-student) employees, whether career or contract
  • All employees who transfer between campus departments
  • All employees who have been on contract and move to a different, career position in the same department

Upon completion of 6 months in the position, the employee must receive another performance review; if this employee had a probationary period, the 6-month review must state that employee has satisfactorily completed the probationary period and is now a regular status employee. After 6 months, the employee enters the department’s regular performance review cycle.

If an employee is scheduled to separate from the University at the end of the month of the department’s regular performance review cycle, the supervisor does not need to provide a written performance review.

Divisional Timeline:

  • November (Fall) - Professional Development plan and goal setting conversation
  • March (Winter) - Professional Development Plan and goal fulfillment check-in on progress
  • May (Spring) - Completed written evaluation form (turned into departmental HR) and conversation

Performance feedback is an ongoing process of communication between supervisors and employees that should occur throughout the year. This feedback provides the opportunity to assess whether goals and objectives have been met, and also to identify professional development needs in support of expanding knowledge and skills to support the employee’s career growth.

Departments are expected to utilize the Performance Evaluation Form for annual appraisals. The Cycle of Feedback section above describes when to use the 90-Day Evaluation Form and 6-Month Evaluation Form. The Performance Evaluation Guide and PMP Rubric Guide explain the performance management process. Additionally, the Employee Self-Appraisal Form (optional form) helps staff members summarize their contributions to the University throughout the year.

Questions or Suggestions, please email